Due to its constant investments in trailblazing technology and to the woodworking expertise it has built up, Maroni also has what it takes to process non-wooden materials such as Corian®, HPL, Forex, Plexiglass, LG-Hi-Macs, aluminum and brass, modeling them into any shape and at thicknesses that can be as low as 0.5mm.
As when working with wood, the production capacity for processing these materials is exceptionally high, with excellent quality and extremely high precision reached consistently, time after time, thanks to the company's numerically controlled workstations.
Entering into partnership with Maroni allows the client to commission the manufacture of surfaces of infinitesimal thickness through a processing strategy that is at once "critical" and flexible.
The client can then couple the membrane supplied by Maroni with other surfaces in a wide spectrum of materials encompassing everything from plastic, through glass, all the way to aluminum.